Talkin’ Illini: Laura Lantz Ehrman

Laura Lantz Ehrman ’01 BUS on the inaugural Fighting Illini women’s soccer team

Laura Lantz Ehrman (Image courtesy of UI Athletics)
Laura Lantz Ehrman ’01 BUS on the inaugural Fighting Illini women’s soccer team

What was it like playing in Illinois varsity women’s soccer’s inaugural year?

A lot of the girls had played for the Illinois club team before and moved to the varsity team. They had already formed a bond, so there was a sense that we weren’t really starting from scratch. There were a lot of firsts. It felt like everything we did was a big, cool celebration. There was a lot of newness and learning, and it helped the bonding experience.

You were one of just two players who made it to their senior year. Why was the
attrition rate so high?

Soccer’s a tough sport.Whether it’s injuries or schoolwork, it’s not easy.